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    Julie's Laws Stan Campbell with Senator Boisvenu

Julie Vanishes

Her name…Julie.  You are her proud father of your bright, outgoing, attractive daughter, but one night, she doesn’t return home.

Six days later, Julie’s battered body is found in a ditch. You discover that your daughter, your beloved flesh and blood was kidnapped, tortured and raped. How do you deal with deal with this unspeakable horror?  For this father, inspired by Julie’s message to him, he became a crusader for justice for violence against women and for victims and the victim’s families. He became an advocate for the families who have suffered from the loss of a child or a spouse. He is senator Pierre Boisvenu. Although he just retired, he has not given up the fight to put more teeth in the laws that should put murderers, human traffickers and those convicted of spousal abuse and murder in prison for longer sentences. Those who lead anti-trafficking organization owe a debt of gratitude to Senator Boisvenu.

A former MP, Joy Smith for enacting laws that out traffickers behind bars. Stan Campbell talks to Senator Pierre Boisvenu.
